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Prevoius Artist Disman Radio Children's Ensemble, Prague /Czechia/
Next Artist
Brundibar (Children's Opera in two acts), Czech Songs [160/15+] - 1992
1 Act 1 - scene 1
2 scene 2
3 scene 3
4 scene 4
5 scene 5
6 scene 6
7 scene 7
8 scene 8
9 Act 2 - scene 1
10 scene 2
11 scene 3
12 scene 4
13 scene 5
14 scene 6
15 scene 7
16 I was waiting, I did not sleep
17 You look beautifiul to me
18 Don't even think of it, my parents
19 What is with you
20 Oh mountain, how tall you are
21 You are not what you pretend to be
22 Lads, don't stand under the window
23 Black wool on the white lamb