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Prevoius Artist St. John's Roman Catholic Cathedral Choir, Portsmouth /UK/
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Laus Deo (LP) [320/20+] - 1977
1 Alleluia Acclamation (Whitehead)
2 Lutenist Carol (Anon)
3 Mass (Walshe)
4 Drop, drop slow tears (Gibbons)
5 He shall feed his flock, Come unto Him (Handel)
6 He was despised (Handel)
7 Quae moerebat (Pergolesi)
8 Lift thine eyes (Mendelssohn)
9 O rest in the Lord (Mendelssohn)
10 Christ be with me (Purday)
11 Lead kindly light (Purday)
12 Pie Jesu, Domine (Faure)
13 My song is love unknown (Ireland)
14 Abide with me (Monk)