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Prevoius Artist Cadet (Krasnoyarsk Cadet School) /Russia/
Next Artist
Life - to native land, honour - to nobody! [320/20+] - 2001
1 Life - to native land, honour - to nobody! (ZHizn' - Rodine, chest' - nikomu!)
2 To you we sing (Tebe poem)
3 Cadet waltz (Kadetskiy val's)
4 City Grozny (Gorod Grozniy)
5 The son of Russia (Sin Rossii)
6 Cadet march (Kadetskiy marsh)
7 Officers (Oficeri)
8 The pot-pourri on themes of songs about Krasnoyarsk region (Popurri)
9 There behind fogs (Tam za tumanam)
10 The Cossack suite (Kazach'ya syuita)
11 I have returned, mum (YA vernulsya, mama)
12 21. century (XXI vek)
13 Candles (Svechi)
14 Only remember (Tol'ko pomn)
15 Wind of changes ( Veter pereme)
16 Cadet waltz (karaoke) (Kadetskiy val's)
17 Life - to native land, honour - to nobody! (karaoke) (ZHizn' - Rodine, chest' - nikomu!)!
18 Cadet march (karaoke) (Kadetskiy marsh)
The son of Russia [128/13+]
1 Officers
2 Naval cadets
3 Hymn the cadet
4 My temple
5 Andreevsky a flag
6 The son of Russia
7 Cadet waltz
8 Cadets
9 Favourite jazz
10 Zavalenka
11 The Russian officer
12 The azure sea
13 The world
14 Officers - a song from film
15 Wave
16 Behind fogs
We cadets, misters... [320/21+] - 2005
1 Officers
2 Our army
3 Officer waltz
4 Alesha
5 Trumpeters
6 Soldiers of Russia
7 The fighting general
8 Favourite city
9 I never shall forget you...
10 Roads
11 I love you
12 Talisman
13 Dark blue bird
14 New Year's
15 Christmas
16 We managed this life...
17 My fatherland